Kyushu Island - Part 2

Two more days on Kyushu Island.

A mix of forest and agriculture again on May 17 as we headed to Beppu on the east side of Kyushu. In the middle of one of the forested areas is Senbatsurushika Park with hundreds of sculpted trees. 

Further on, cattle...
...and even a vineyard...

Thursday May 18 started with a three-hour ferry from Beppu to Shikoku Island
The bicycles were carefully chocked for the crossing. The huge truck chocks proved capable of keeping the bikes in place.
Many of us put 200 yen (two dollars) into the slot to get a fifteen minute massage from one of these fancy chairs. They actually do a pretty good job for the money and are quite powerful.
On Shikoku Island, it was a trip up the coast in off-and-on light rain to Matsuyama. 
Rae took the day off to give both his backside and his knees two days in a row recovery time. Ursula rode the whole thing. The rain was getting heavier by the time she arrived at the hotel in Matsuyama. The shared bike/pedestrian sidewalks being a bit slippery added some extra challenge to city traffic and navigation while dodging pedestrians on other cyclists of which there were many.    
Rest day here tomorrow while Justin Trudeau and others will be assembling about 100 km away across the bay at Hiroshima for the G7 Leaders meeting. Our itinerary does not take us to Hiroshima.


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